Monday, November 21, 2011


With the holidays approaching very soon, I happen to think about my life and everything I have to be thankful for. My life, like many others', is filled with ups and downs. But I am lucky enough to have so much to be thankful for; I have family, friends, a job, and so much more. I am surrounded with love and I feel so blessed to have these things in my life.

This year, my mother has been my savior. Being a college student, I struggle with money. Paying part of my school, skating, gas, my phone, insurance, etc has been very hard to do. Yet, my mother has never made me give up any of that. She could have easily said," No money, guess you can't skate." But she didn't. Instead she (and my step dad) have helped me through all of my financial struggles and taken some of that money burden off of my shoulders. But money is not everything; my mom has given me so much love- she always has, but as I get older, I appreciate that love more and more. She was there through one of the highlights of my entire year, which was making finals at nationals. She didn't have to take off work, drive to Indiana, and stay just to see me skate. But she did. And she was there for that moment that I will never forget. She always goes out of her way to make sure I am happy, and taken care of. I know "that's what mothers are supposed to do," but she does a pretty amazing job at it. When I look at her, I see myself in the future and I will be so happy if I can be half the mom she is. She is an amazing person, friend, and mother and I am so thankful for her.

My grandma is another person I am so thankful for. She is the person I go to to talk about everything. I could tell her the sky is blue, and she would listen. She'd laugh, but listen. She has the most beautiful heart filled with warmth and laughter. I feel like she is my diary that talks back to me and I am forever thankful that I have that kind of communication with someone. When I am with her, I have fun and forget about all of life's hardships...or I talk about them with her and she makes me feel better about them. There is no greater gift than a loving grandma; and mine happens to be the greatest of gifts.

There are so many other family members as well as friends I am thankful for; my sister-who has become someone I have grown much closer with and adore, my step dad- for always being there to keep me going even though he teases me about it all the time :), and of course my little brother, Michael- for looking up to me and reminding me to continue to be a good role model because I have someone that looks to me for life's lessons. And the rest of my family is just as important; but these people have truly made my year wonderful. Along with all of my friends, new and old, each are special people that help me get by and make me laugh, which is my favorite thing to do!

My boyfriend is the next part of my life that I am thankful for. This is our 4th Thanksgiving together  and without him, I would not know the joy of having that person that completes you. He makes my heart melt and every day I think to myself how lucky I am to have him. He knows just how to make me mad... but what's more important, is he knows just the way to make me smile. I sometimes cannot even find the words to describe how he has affected my life because it's indescribable. He's my superman and makes me look forward to waking up every morning, knowing it's another day to spend together. He is such an amazing person to have in my life and every day I thankful to call him my boyfriend.

There are so many amazing people in my life and without any one of them, I would not be where I am today. I am so thankful for the life I have because I think it is perfect. Even with the bumps; I grow from them and keep moving forward. I hope every person is able to find things, even little things, to be thankful for because life is beautiful. It is also precious and short. It should be lived it to it's fullest and appreciated for all of it's gifts it can bring; Not just what can be seen but the deeper things as well.

Happy Thanksgiving,
xoxo Meg

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